Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The virgin Gary

Gary was sitting alone  at his computer browsing porn. Gary never seemed to have any luck with the ladies and at most  all he ever got was a kiss. Gary decided even if he must he would love his "virginity" to his hand. Gary got up the courage and loaded the porn as he watched it he soon felt like he was going to explode. Then all of a sudden the great shift hit. Gary suddenly found himself legs spread apart  with a very strange wet feeling and all the more it felt like something sticky was sliding out of him.
As gary looked down he couldnt beleave what he saw, two breasts and a vagina. Gary gasped and slowly got up as the shock ran it's course he quickly ran for the door. The man behind him yelling honey whats wrong. Gary would soon find out his new body was defintly not a virgin, and that he was now pregnant.

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