Monday, March 15, 2021

auntie's invention

 This was more torturous then i had imagined. My Aunt Kristi was a scientist who created crazy and bizarre inventions, i remember this one time she made a toaster that  also brewed coffee and brushed your teeth. This all started last friday ... 3 days ago... my aunt  called me up asking me to come over and help her with her latest invention saying it could change the world as we see it.

My had always been eccentric but i believed her, she had always tried her best and sometimes the inventions were pretty awesome...can anyone say rocket powered just screamed bad idea's but it was so much fun.  So i head out the door  and grab the bus it's only a few stops away.

As i walked inside her house she quick greets me and drags me off into her Lab.
She hands me what looks like a metal spegatti strainer  hooked up with some crazy wires and tells me to put it on. Are you sure about this auntie. She smiles grabbing one for herself.
ok so what is this thing. She looks at me intently it's a machine that will let you see thru the other persons eyes. As i looked at her invention i saw the two helmets hooked up to a machine that resembled an old television for the early 90's. Ok are you ready ! she exclaims as she looks at me.
Sure auntie K. 

OK here goes  everything !
Aunt Kristi says excitedly as she flips the switch.
Suddenly i feel myself being thrown and everything goes dark.

Slowly i opened my eyes the doors was black with smoke my eyes stung and watered.
As i tried  to stand up i notice a sudden shift in my weight. I  Reached up and felt something large and soft.but oddly i felt the senesation on both ends the squeezing nad being squeezed. i tried to look down as my vision slowly began to clear.  Holy fuck i exclaimed as i realized i was in my aunts body.

Blonde researcher showing her big tits & delicious pussy in the chemistry lab

Sunday, February 21, 2021

been awhile

 Sorry to all my readers that it has been awhile since my last post. i had the unfortunate and horrible luck of  getting covid. it's just been a bit of recovery. better but still feel drained and hard to find motivation to do anything. and general work + life stuff has me so exhausted i sleep instead of write. anyways i do plan to write again and atleast have taken the time to begin to learn to use twine as my favorite thing is multi choice interactive captions.