Dan watched as the waves crashed again the large fishing vessel that he had signed up the be on. He had been on his last leg no money up to his neck in debt even the loan sharks were after him. The only way he could figure to escape was to join a fishing vessel 6 months at sea and he'd have enough money to get his life back on track.Dan sighed the only thing he didnt care for was being surrounded by seaman all day As dan pulled in a net of fish he looked out at the sky, It's going to be a rough one i fear better take one of my sea sickness pills. As dan's mind drifted for a moment he heard the crack of thunder and then a sudden flash of lightning. What in the 7 hells is that dan said alloud as he seen purple lightning flash across the sky. I better get the captain quick and get below deck. As Dan turned to run he suddenly seen the sky seeming to come closer as his feet went out from under him. Fucking fish thought dan i tripped on a fucking fish. To dan it all seemed as if it were in slow motion. He was ready to fall not that it was far he'd just look like an idiot to the other guys. Then he saw it a purple streak of lightning bolting towards him from above. Suddenly it collided with him. BZZZZZZZZZT. Dan could feel it allmost as if his body was sizzling, then all went dark.
Dan Felt groggy and weird everything felt a bit hazy. Whats his hand doing he thought. As he opened his eyes he suddenly felt a blast of semen spray all over him.
What the fuck said. Dan. Then dan heard a voice below damn honey that was amazing. Sorry but ya know better to blow it on ya then in ya. As Dan looked down he couldnt beleave what he saw two breasts and a shaved pussy. Fuck thought dan if it's not seaman it's semen. Hey Jackie you ok ? Dont be so mad it's just some semen, why dont you got hop in the shower and clean up i'll run out and grab us some take out. Dan's angry suddenly calmed take out.... could could you get me a triple mega burger from burgerway? Damn honey all that sex make you work up an appetite or what. Allright i'll be back. Soon as the man Left Dan went to trying to find out what was going on. He found her purse and searched through finding an ID Jacklyn Mehoff and next to ID he found what looked like a wedding photo. Great thought Dan im a girl And im married. Just then he heard some thunder in the distance as he looked outside. Then he saw the purple lightning flashing in the sky. Fuck that said Dan im just going to ride this shit out for now. Fuck it's been 4 and a half months since i had a good burger. As dan layed down he bed he genetly began to explore his new body.
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